The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, unveiled in late July by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, and passed by Congress (with zero Republican votes) and signed by President Biden in early August, is in some ways the antithesis of carbon pricing. Rather than making dirty (fossil) energy costlier in […]

From 2000 to 2020, China increased its electricity generation from coal nearly five-fold, while the U.S. cut the size of its coal-fired power sector by 60 percent. That’s a 12-fold switch in relative position. China now combusts slightly more than half of all coal burned worldwide, and its coal sector alone emits more carbon dioxide […]

The Carbon Tax Center was founded in 2007 on the belief that the most direct path to decarbonize the world economy lay in enacting a robust U.S. carbon tax and replicating this policy across the globe. A dozen years on, we hoped to expand our program around a new synthesis: a Green New Deal funded […]

A clean electricity boom is the main reason U.S. carbon emissions fell between 2005 and 2019. We’ve calculated the CO2 not emitted because electricity usage has flattened instead of growing with economic output. The upshot: “clean electricity” (power savings + renewables) is replacing more coal and pushing out more CO2 than is fracked gas — and […]

A carbon tax is a fee on the carbon content of fossil fuels. Though levied “upstream” where the coal, oil or gas is extracted or imported, it charges fossil fuel users for the climate damage their fuel use causes by releasing heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If the tax or charge is large enough, it will motivate […]

Find out where carbon taxes have been enacted or proposed around the world, including in Canada, Ireland, Australia, Chile, Scandinavia, and Washington State.

Quick answers to 32 key questions about carbon taxes, including why they’re needed to prevent climate catastrophe and how to make them fair.

Our blog is where you’ll find breaking news, fresh takes and clear-eyed analysis on carbon taxing and broader climate change issues. Click to view our most recent posts.